May Allah show us good days. may He keep us distant from evils. Ya Rabbim, o our Lord, load us with yo Your Love and enthusiasm
Let us ask for His Beloved.
Affection is with them. Affection is for them. There is no affection for anything else. Allah gave us beauty. HE granted us from the Love and ...... Him. do not look frot he worth less world. bismillahir Rahmanir Rahnim. The world is worthless and dirty. It is not clean.
May our Mawla load us with love and enthusiasm. I ask for Love and enthusiasm.
Allahu Allah Allahu Rabbi Ma li SiwaHu illa Hu.
O our Lord, may our hearts open. May Allah Almighty grant us the honour, beauty and affection of that Habibi kibriya. this is what is wan..... ......... trash.
Allahu Allah Allahu Rabbi, Ma li siwa Hu illa Hu. O our Lord grant us love and enthusiasm- Your Love and Enthusiasm, o my Lord May we ....... affection? Allah's affection. Whose love? Allah's Love and Enthusiasm. My Allah; Ma li siwa Hu. There is nothing other than Him.
O our Lord, Your gifts to us are endless. It is endless Ya Rabbi. what else is there in dunya [ the world]? What is there to be asked for and to be ..........
Allahu Dhul Jalal's Kibrsyiya. May He load us with his love and Enthusiasm. our Allah our Lord subhanallah. let us ask for Him.. Let us ask
.......... Allah loves.
O our Lord, may He not give us wearyness. May He give us strength with His Love and Affection.
Our Lord. He has decorated the world. What is the result? The result is zero. When a man is 'kamil' [spiritually mature] the owner of ..... and knows pleasure. He is loaded with the affection of his Lord and asks for it.. Ask for this. Ask for the affection of your Lord. Do not look for ......
May Allah grant an eternal life. Ya Rabbi. May we be loaded with YOUR Love and Enthusiasm ....
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