Sheikh Mehmet July 26th - visit report
Alhamdulillah our Sheikh honoured Sheffield with a visit July 25th and 26th. Amidst a crowded programme he fouond time for a brief association, and prayers at St Peters Hall.
Below is a summary from his talk as on Sultanat. It was given immediately after Sheikh had welcomed 3 people who had just taken shahada and bayat.
This world is 'light' but on the Day of judgement it may be heavy - according to your scale [weight in the balance]. To get happy lives for ever is the important thing.
To say Ashadu an la ilaha illa-Llah, ashadu an MuhammaduRasul-Allah [ie the Muslim declaration of faith] this makes your [good] scale heavier, so that you may be successful and happy for ever.
It is important to say [the shahada] because if you don't say it you are not accepting your Creator, who is at all times showing us His miracles. But Satan puts a curtain on some people's eyes so they can't see the truth. But lucky people have the opportunity to find the true way that leads to everlasting happiness.
Here Sheikh Noah is showing the way and he is getting rewards for [ ? for himself and for those people] by bringing people to this right way. Allah is Generous and gives His endless blessings to everybody. Praying and doing charities on behalf of yourself or others can bring rewards for all of them.
Today in religion some are changing too much and making people enemies to the truth - but we are happy to see people coming to the right way, and they are our brothers and sisters. May Allah give them light, and open their hearts to be happy and satisfied for ever.
thankyou - all of you - This is a short association as we have a long journey. Next time - more time, Insha'Allah
Alhamdulillah that our Sheikh seemed happy with his visit and found time to give personal advice to several individuals.
We hope to see him again soon.
Alhamdulillah our Sheikh honoured us with a visit on monday afternoon, 13 February 2017. He came to St Peter's hall to say 'asr prayer and then led a short but powerful dhikr.
He then honoured the 250 or so gathering of murids and visitors with an uplifting address on the theme of Divine love.1
"Our tariqat orders us to be with good people - and we are here today with so many good people - here and on our travels - no meetings are fuller than these in England - for these are meetings from Love - real meeting for the Love of Allah.
If you love Allah there will be no more misery.
Such love is different from what people ordinarily call 'love' - which is just a temporary state. The love from and to the Creator flows from Him and comes to you. All love comes through the love of Allah. This is the true love which lasts for ever - and saves you here and hereafter.
Islam orders may good things - and we do as much of them as we are able, while avoiding the haram. The [pillars] are; - to believe that la ilaha illa-Lah, Muhammadu- RasulAllah; to pray five time daily, to fast the month of Ramadan from dawn till dusk; to pay the modest Zakat, and to make the Hajj;
The Sheik then recounted the hadith of the Prophet who was asking a Bedouin what of those preparations he had make against the Day of Resurrection. The Bedu replied, ' Not too much of that - but I love you.' - To which the prophet said, 'All will be with the one they love in Akhirah.'
A similar thing happened when a sahaba was crying, saying that while the Prophet [p] was alive they could meet and pray with him each day but that if he died this would not happen - and the Prophet [p] said 'Everyone will be with those they love in paradise.'
Without love nothing is acceptable. This is the essence of the Sufi way, which is the way of Mercy and Love for all creatures. We are meeting here today for the love of Allah and Insha'Allah we will all be together also in paradise.
Remember that true lovers do anything for the beloved. We are for the love of Allah - so don't worry what others may say of you. Real Love is forever and is with you.
The Sheikh recounted the sad tale of an old person who took their own life after their spouse had died. Such a love is 'not useful' said the Sheikh. That person was forgetting that they would be re-united in paradise. So put your love with your Lord - and ask help from Him.
His love is the most Gracious Gift He has given us. "
Then after bayats and shahada [ Alhamdulillah] there was an opportunity for all to meet the Sheikh and receive his blessings after which he led us in Magrib prayer. There then followed a nikkar [Alhamdulillah] after which the Sheikh left towards a further meeting at the Sheffield Tinsley masjid.
Many who remained at St Peters commented on the happy atmosphere and also enjoyed the buffet that was provided.
Alhamdulillah May our Shaikh come again soon.
i. the text probably does not convey the loving warmth of the Sheikh's words. Any error are solely those of this reporter. Astagfirullah.