The endless longing ...
To our visitor here I am a strange person in strange clothes that he thinks he is seeing for the first time. He knows only that this person is called ‘Sheikh Nazim’.
Just as I am unknown to him, so is he unknown to himself. He knows only what is written on his identity card; ‘Date of birth, Place of birth, Mother’s Name, Father’s Name, Occupation.’
As long as one is ignorant of one’s own, real existence, how can one attain knowledge of one’s Creator? So – I don’t blame people for being blind to Divine realities, and to the existence of the Creator. ….
The destination of the physical body is the grave, but the spiritual body is a heavenly being. Its life is the real life. This body is like a cage and our soul like a bird. The bird comes from heaven and enters the cage. There it remains, waiting for the ‘keeper’ to come and open the door, saying ‘Go - you are free.’
… heedless ones are not waiting for anyone. They say, ‘This cage is great! We have plenty to eat and to drink, and we can jump all about; from the swing to the upper perch, down to the lower perch, and up again to the swing.’ …. All the sufferings of mankind come from trying to fulfil our endless desires – with a flood of sensual gratification that does not satisfy.
There are others who feel confined in this world. They know that everything in this world is finite and provides only limited satisfaction. Something inside of them cries out for a world without limits, a joy without end.
The physical body cannot respond to this cry – but something inside us is unlimited. Our spiritual being can reach the infinite. This Endless Longing is what sets mankind apart from other creatures. …..
We are looking out upon the greatness of the Creator through two tiny pupils of the eyes. We gaze in awe at this universe like a prisoner looking through the bars of a prison.
Our view now is like this, but we have the chance to ‘see’ the whole universe at a glance. If our spiritual eyes are opened no distance is beyond their range, no mountain blocks our view, no darkness cloaks our sight. …
But it is impossible even to begin to detach oneself from pre-occupation with our surroundings unless one believes in eternal life. If someone believes only in what their senses can perceive they will grab at everything that might give them pleasure. The one who denies eternal life is the slave of everything around them and is like an unconscious person who never comes round.
Therefore every prophet has given mankind good tidings about eternal life. … but a person seeking peace and contentment of heart must strive, like a rocket strives against the gravitational pull of the earth. Don’t imagine that you can reach satisfaction without a struggle against earth’s gravitational field. ….

We are now, all of us like fish who have been hauled out of the sea. You may think that they are dancing but no - they are slowly dying. If they are thrown back into the ocean in time they will be content.
I am waiting for the day of relief from the difficulties on this life, the day of immersion in endless Mercy oceans, Beauty Oceans, Favour oceans, knowledge oceans – in the Divine Presence…. I am more joyful with each passing day. And I am advising you my ‘sons and daughters’ how to be happy during this life, and throughout eternity.
From Mercy Oceans of the Heart. [with some modern editing]