Towards the ultimate --- [ from Oceans of Unity - chapter one]
The dominating theme of the Holy Quran is the Uniqueness and incomparability of God and the weakness and utter dependence of all creatures upon Him.
By thus stressing His Omnipotence and our powerlessness He remins us of our affinity with all creatures, and bestows upon us the humble but honourable cloak of servanthood.
Realize that you are no bette than anyone else and that self-improvement may be attained through serving God and His servants, and you will have grasped the tools with which to shatter your idol of conceit - your egoism.
Having attained humility, the tribulations of life will propel you towards your goal, as they are a constant reminder of our weakness, and are received, if not with thankfulness, at least with patience, in the knowledge that they are drawing us ever closer to ultimate unity.
Our journey towards that goal first brings us away from the illusion of multilplicity, the impenetrable veil of the commmon man - the vision of endless diversity, of apparently independent existences of billions of creatures each striving to improve its own condition and exert its will power.
The next stage is the realization of God's Omnipotence and our weakness.
This realization inspires awe in the face of the majesty and might of Allah (Jalal), and one feels onesef a most humble servant of a Most Transcendant Lord.
Beyond this is the stage of intimacy (uns) at which the immanence of the Lord is perceived;
'And I am closer to him than his jugular vein." (S 50 a 16)
At this stage one perceives His aspects of Love and Beauty (Jamal).
But the ultimate goal is beyond even the intimacy of 'i and Thou', a Unity beyoond duality -
for He is All in All ..