The Umbrella of Love
We are happy with Allah. We love Him; (but) we don’t know how we can love Him. The one who is happy with Allah, Allah Almighty is making him happy. To be happy with Allah we need to know Allah, to know about Him, (the) Almighty, and to recognize Him Almighty. And when (we) are knowing Him then we are finding way to love Him.
Love of Allah, how can it be? It is so difficult, so difficult, because we are not knowing (Him); but we are trying to find a way to make people to come closer to His love Oceans.
Perhaps you may reach an ocean. First you are putting your feet in it: you are feeling enjoyment; a small contact is making you happy with a big ocean.
(You think) “I was hearing (about the) ocean. I was thinking that I am loving it, but I was not really knowing how it can be, my love for an ocean. Now I am coming and looking and even I am putting my feet in it, I am refreshed, I am enjoying, I am happy. Therefore I love, I love the ocean.”
It is not the love that you are giving to you wife/(husband) or your love to your children or love to your brothers or love to relatives, to your community, no. It is just different; - but you love - are beginning to love The Ocean. That love is a different love but under Love’s umbrella.
How I can love Allah?
“Remind them of the Days of God [1]”
So said Allah Almighty to S. Musa (the Prophet Moses) when he was saying, " You are asking, that Your servants love You,” “He loves that His servant loves Him.” Moses was asking, “Oh my Lord how can I do that? It is so, so difficult, so difficult. I don’t know the way.” And Allah Almighty saying “…… ….” ‘…’, “Oh My prophet, remind them of good days, honoured days, happy days, joyful days, (remind them) that I am granting to them those days. …, remind them that I am granting them happiness and lights and loves and enjoyment - I am granting that to them. …… in daytime, everything is open - you can see, you can hear, touch the beauty, the enjoyment that I granted to them. I am that One Who is making that enjoyment, and the beauty that I am granting to nature, to make them happy. I created so many flowers, so many roses, so many kinds of trees, so many kinds of fruits. I am not making this earth as a (barren) table. I am making it so that on every step they are looking and seeing another view and enjoying. I am that One Who is making this for them. Say to them about Me that I am that One Who is making this for them. They should love Me.” [2]
Another example
If a peasant is living in a remote village - he never met his king or his sultan, but when the Sultan’s justice reaches to his village, when the Sultan’s grants and generosity are reaching to them, even though he never seeing him, his heart is filling with love towards his sultan. He is saying “Oh I love him, I love him; because his justice and his protection and his honour and his kindness and his generosity and his grants are reaching us, looking after us. So, so beautiful is his dealing with us - I love him. I love him.”
Therefore, as I said, they are making me to speak [3] on “I love Allah. We love Allah.” How? His love, how can it be? As we said before, it is not the same love as that for our wives, our children, our brothers, sister no - another kind.
You must love Him. You must love Him. And we love Him, we love Him.
He is asking His servants, “I am only asking from you, love. Oh My servants love Me, love Me.”
To love is the sign of happiness. When you are happy you may love; if unhappy you can’t love. Therefore, people are asking for happiness; but they are not asking happiness of Allah Almighty from that. And they can’t do this unless they are (coming) to know Allah Almighty and to love Him.
When you love Allah He loves you. When you are in love with Allah, you are going to be happy. When you are getting to be happy Allah Almighty making you to be happy here and hereafter.
May Allah forgive me, forgive you and bless you - Al fatihah
Lefke Dec 17th 2002
[1] See Holy Qur’an
surah 14 ayat 5; and Surah 2 ayats 30-61; Holy Bible, Book of Numbers
[2] Unclear if this means –“Then they will love Me.”
Or “They ought then to love Me.”
[3] The Sheikh is referring to his own spiritual Masters who guide his talks through spiritual connection.