Beliefs and Practices -– love is the motor.
Give with love for Love
In our time people are asking to consider everything with their mentality, with their minds, to make everything understood by mind, - even spiritual or religious beliefs.
Therefore Allah Almighty sent His last message, basing it on mind, so that for beliefs also you may find a meaning that you can understand through your mind.
Islam brought beliefs, but they are not new beliefs. Perhaps it is as from the beginning, as was declared by the first Prophet, so too the last Prophet, the last mentioning, declaring and saying the same pillars of belief. Six pillars, 6 bases of beliefs which are never changing from the time of Adam.
He was saying, you must believe in God Almighty Allah, - He is Eternal God and unity of God; and believe in angels; and in Holy books, Holy commands, heavenly commands; and believe in Prophets - first prophet and last Prophet and all the Prophets; and to believe in the Last day, Judgement day, eternal life in paradise or in hells; and believe that everything in the universe is not accidental, but prepared and arranged. Everything must appear, when it is time, punctually. If a thing should happen in this moment - it is impossible for it to appear one second before or one second after. It is a huge arrangement in the whole universe. No one can prevent a happening from being at its appointed time. That is the 6th pillar or base, of faith. You must believe that everything, before appearing, is appointed with Divine computers. It is alright.
These are the bases of faith from beginning up to end, never changing. Islam never bringing new beliefs. It is only same basis of faith, of beliefs that Adam the first Prophet just declared and called people to believe in; and the last Prophet the same; but people are not seeing this.
The Practices of Islam
And about worshipping, our Lord has been willing His order. No one can object. He may order for worshipping, and may change it. He has ordered, praying, fasting, pilgrimage and charity.
Charities never changing. Our Lord is asking us to make charities as much as we can. Even if you can give everything, it is all right. Imam, Abu Bakr (Allah blesses him) gave everything the sake of Allah Almighty. Allah accepting. Not [saying] ‘It is too much.’ No. - But your nafs, [ego] says, “Don’t give too much. Leave for me.” Our ego says, “Leave it all for me. Don’t give anyone, anything.”
In that way our ego is just like a little child. If you are putting one hundred toys and saying to him, “Give your brother one," he goes like this - -
“No. All for me.”
“No! - ”
Same characteristic for egos. And old people, like old trees, but yet they have the same characteristics as a little child. All people, all governments, all nations, have the same characteristic: “Whole must be for me only.”
Therefore without divine training people are wild. In the hands of their egos they are so wild, so terrible, so dangerous for others, for each other.
Regarding Charity, Allah Almighty is saying “As much as you are giving, I am giving to you.” There is a rule in Islam that if anyone is getting to be in … in hard conditions, poverty, he must give. What he can find in his house, he may give as sadaqa, [voluntary charity] then Allah gives to him. If he is giving old ones, Allah sending new ones. This is a rule and advice from the Prophet. Whoever may be in difficult conditions for their life must do charity, must give sadaqa, and then Allah Almighty sending to them.
Love is the Motor
And after the beliefs of Islam, every arrangement that Allah Almighty has ordered about peoples’ dealings with each other is going to be perfect.[1] //
……. love. Islam with its rules by mind and by mentality, seeming that it is perfect. If anyone tries to say something about rules in Islam by feelings, he may be mistaken. That is what we are saying. She was asking -‘you are saying Islam makes everything through mind and mentality, but what about love?’- but without love for the Lord no one can practice anything from worshipping or charities.
Because, like the motor for a car, - without the motor, car never works, - and love is the motor for mankind, to make them to move towards their Lord with worshipping and by charities. If he hasn’t love, he will never be a real believer. Without love no one is believing in his Lord or in His Prophet; and without love no one worshipping. Without love for God, Almighty Allah no one can do charities. Love pushes us to worship, to believe and to make charities.
Therefore in every religion, - .. that is based on heavenly rules, love is the first function, (principle) that makes people move towards Allah by keeping His orders through His goodness messages.
Time unknown from audiodisc 3 10134/5
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[1] A piece of the audio is missing here but it seems that a listener has asked the Sheikh a question about feelings and beliefs. Ed.