Love is life's sweetener
What is the way to make the life of mankind sweet? Sweetness comes from love. The more love you use in your life the sweeter it will be.
If you don't use it your life will be tough and rough. Tough means tasteless and difficult. It will be like wood and have no taste.
When love comes to nature, nature turns green and gets its colours. Love goes through flowers, it goes through fruits. When love reaches to them in springtime they start to laugh. When they take love they give love. That is why mankind runs to the greeneries of nature to look and to smell it. Nature gives mankind love, and mankind gives nature love. They take this love from their Creator. He gives His divine Love to nature, and nature gives it to you, and you love to get it.
You are the most important creature. You are more important than plants or horses or elephant or bears or dogs or foxes, (so) you must respect Divine Love more than any other creature. You must give your love to your surroundings. Everything around you is asking for love.
Mankind is the most important representative of heavenly love. You must be fountains of love, or springs of love, or taps of love, or rivers of love, or seas of love, or oceans of Love. Can a person be an ocean of love? Why not?
Jesus Christ brought divine love. Many people have some of this love but they are not increasing it. Those distinguished ones who came from heaven have been forgotten by mankind. Instead people are running after nonsense love, temporary love, zoo love animal-level love...The animal level love brings darkness, sadness, envy, jealousy, bad feelings and hell to mankind. We must improve and try to leave the love of animal-level love by reaching a noble, distinguished and Heavenly love which belongs to the Divine Presence. Can you reach it?
Then your love will be sweeter than honey. You may be (full) up (after) you eat a (jar)of honey. If I say to you "Eat one more bottle," - you might be able to eat it; but if I then say, "Eat a third one," it will be tasteless. That is not the kind of love we are asking for. We are asking for a love which, when you drink from its stream, you will ask for more and more and more. That makes your life sweet.
From When will Peace come to Earth?