Salat refreshes the SOUL
Allah Almighty opened His divine lights and then the universe, this existence, appeared. If taking back that light, then darkness will hide everything, nothing in existence. Therefore, light, or divine light, gives existence to everything. Without divine lights, nothing is going to be in existence.
Everyone has a spiritual being, and that spiritual part of mankind — I mean to say, our souls — is from the heavens. They are not from this material world. They are in existence by divine lights. They are carrying divine lights; and then they are in existence. Allah Almighty sent thousands and thousands of prophets to teach people that they have souls; and souls need, more than our physical beings, to be taken care of.
And Allah Almighty is giving daily occasions to His servants so that, through those occasions, you may take more care of your soul. Those occasions are prayer times. Allah Almighty has given those occasions or opportunities to all nations, beginning from Adam up to today. Through the prophets, every nation's people have been given daily opportunities to take more care of their souls. In every religion, in every belief system, you find daily prayers and worshippings at various times.
Don't think that it is enough for a serious person who is asking to reach to their Lord's pleasure not to do prayers daily, but to make them weekly or monthly or annually — no. If you can understand something about that point, even five times a day should be a small thing and you should ask for more prayers, for more occasions beyond the five prayers so as to take more care of your soul, so that it may reach to more divine favours.
Only heedless people are making an objection to daily prayers. They are saying, "What is the point of five times?" They are not understanding the benefit of there being five times, and why prophets and saints are doing more than five times daily worshipping.
Every worship gives you a new divine breath in your soul. Look! After each prayer you should find comfort, confidence, satisfaction, in your heart. If anyone is afraid of something or hesitating, or an important matter is occupying his heart, quickly he must run to pray. And when they are praying, quickly divine favors are covering them so that they are not disturbed. When they are keeping those prayer times, those occasions, they should be pleased. After praying, no disliked thing can be with them or in their hearts. Hesitation or unhappiness or suffering in their hearts must go away, must leave them.
If mankind knew what comes into daily life from those occasions, they would run after them, leaving everything --leaving every job, every work, every action — they would run after them. As people run into the sea when they are feeling hot and wanting refreshment, running and jumping into the water, those people who are depressed or stressed, or anyone else, should run to enter into those occasions for praying, quickly running to pray, to worship; because that worship makes them happy and gives them peace. Therefore, it is important for nations, for mankind, to be more careful about daily occasions, not to leave them to be weekly or monthly or annually.
As long as people are not taking care of their souls, stress and depression will mount. It is a kind of punishment for people living in this life. Allah Almighty is taking from them peace and satisfaction and pleasure because they are not asking for Divine Favours. They are not asking for those occasions which make them happy, which give them peace.
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