Communal Dhikr
Our Grandsheikh has said that if a person does not do a daily dhikr it is not going to damage their relationship with our tariqat. [Sufi path]. He will still be in connection with our tariqat, but one who stops going to the once a week communal dhikr, he will be thrown away from tariqat.
If being lazy – not doing the daily practice it doesn’t matter; the awliya (saints) and our Sheikh will keep him in the tariqat; but one who is not attending a weekly dhikr, it maybe Friday night, may be Sunday night, may be Thursday night – the night doesn’t matter, but if he is not present at the weekly dhikr, he’s going to be thrown away.
Dhikr is a pillar, a tent pole, which keeps up the tent. If you take it, it falls down. The communal dhikr is the main pillar of our tariqat. Everyone must be present; if he is not there, he is not present in that city, or he is ill, or any obligation that prevents him attending - Don’t say, “I was working.” Take permission from your boss. Say, “Tonight I must be with my people for my Lord’s service. I can’t do anything else. – If you are throwing me away – I am not staying here. It is the Lord’s service tonight and I must be there.”
You must go. Understand?
From Truth Springs