Love under test
… so many people are liking each other, but we are not accepting this (as) love until it is tested to be true or not. A love that is true for only seven days or seven months or seven years, and then on the eighth goes away, is not love.
You may see in your friend a no good word or action and become angry with him and cut that love. Any love ending in enmity is not real love. We must be liking people for the sake of Allah. Then there is always forgiveness; love never ending. Real love must be for ever.
If I like you and you are grinding me in a mill … - if after all that crushing my love for you changes, it is not real love.
The Prophet says – “Those who are in love for the sake of Allah will be on mimbars (stairways) of light on the Last day. People will ask ‘Who are these? (Are they) Prophets?’ Angels will answer ‘No, they are lovers for the sake of Allah.’ “
If love is for this life and the ego’s enjoyment then it is not real love.
An important characteristic for believers is loving for the sake of Allah – even to love one person.
–From Mercy Oceans Book 2 p115-116
Love all things of the Beloved
… if a man loves a person he never sees any disliked thing; everything is perfect, his features, his speaking and actions. By practising you may be on that station.
Like Layla and Majnun. He loved everything belonging to her, her dogs, her village, even the stones. Perfect love results in looking at a person and seeing all perfection. For a lover nothing can be disliked in the beloved. If seeing people in perfection we will like them.
Everyone is unique in (Allah’s) creation, so there is complete and special perfection in them. Even physically each one is an individual. This is from Allah’s endless power to make everyone on the top. Looking with eyes like these, hearts come down to being at least friends with everybody. Then everybody comes to us with friendship; and friendship leads to love.
As much as we are loving people we are strong in love for the Lord.
Look every time to people’s perfection and search for their good actions.
Allah orders us -don’t look at people’s faults; it brings you to hate and enmity. You will come down to these same faults. You must keep your eyes.