The Golden Chain of the Sheikhs -
Keep your Sheikh in your heart.
If a murid (follower of a sufi sheikh) does this (they) can be forever with (their) Sheikh. That is the best; because he helps you at any time, carrying you; – but when you are forgetting, leaving you to you.
Your power is only like a battery, but when the Sheikh is coming it is like electricity coming. That power continues, but a battery has limits.
Therefore they are asking, for mureeds to be with their Sheikh. That fills them up with the Divine Power that runs to the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad, (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him), and runs from him to the Saints, to our Grandsheikh; and when you are taking your Sheikh with you, that power is running to you.
Man is created weak and needs support. Allah Almighty gives that support from His Divine Power through His beloved servant, Sayyidina Muhammad (May peace be upon him), and on through saints. (Saints) are like springs. You may reach them. You may wash yourself. You may do everything. If no springs you can’t do anything. Allah Almighty made Prophets and saints for His servants so that ordinary people can reach His Divine Oceans through those springs which come from the Divine Oceans. As much as you need, try to be with them. Try to be with one who is closer than you.
Grandsheikh (this is Shaykh Abdullah Daghistani, the teacher of Shaykh Nazim) is now with the Messenger of God, (peace be apon him).
He left someone to be with you, one who is like you - that is my mission.
Grandsheikh gives from his spiritual power – so that who touches my hand is touching the hand of Grandsheikh. Who asks, may ask through me because I am connected to them. I am not alone; I belong to the silsilah. The Chain is not broken. Praise be to God.
God’s Messenger
Sallallahu ‘alayhi was-salam,
Giving his holy hand to
Siddiq giving to
Salman to Qasim,
Qasim to Ja’far
Jaf’ar to
Tayfur to Abul Hasan,
abul Hasan to abu ‘Ali,
abu ‘Ali to Yusuf,
Yusuf to Abu l’Abbas,
abul Abbas to Abdul Khaliq,
to ‘Arif,
Muhammad Baba AsSammasi,
Sayyid Amir al Kulali,
Khwaja Baha’uddin Naqshbandi,
Giving his hand,
And the hand of rasul allah ( sallallahu’alayhi was-salam)
reaching to Shah Naqshband
Giving to
Muhammad azZahid,
Darwish Muhammad,
Kwaja Amkanaki,
Muhammad al Baqibillah
Giving to
Ahmad al Faruqi
Giving to
Muhammad Ma’sum
Nur Muhammad
Giving to Abdullah
Giving to Sheikh Khalid
giving to Sheikh Isma’il to
Khas Muhammad, giving to
Sheikh Muhammad Effendi Yaraghi
Giving to Sayyid Jamaluddin al Ghumuqi
Giving to abu Ahmad as-Sughuri
Giving to abu Muhammad al- Madani
Giving to Sayyidina Sharafuddin ad- Daghistani
He’s giving to Sheikh Abdullah ad-Daghistani
He’s giving it to
And I am reaching
to you.
Therefore anything may be asked. I am only a channel – nothing else. What they are sending me, I am giving to you.
Wa min Allah taufiq.