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The Struggle Between the Good Self and the Bad Self

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani Sultanul Awliya | Monday, Aug 03, 2009 | Lefke CY

Email transcript

(Mawlana standing)

We must stand up to show highest respect for Our Lord Almighty Allah.  If I am standing up all my life for my Lord's honour, it is nothing. …….

O Our Lord, forgive us and bless us. We are ignorant ones; we are lazy ones; we are useless ones. We are not following servanthood ways.  O our Lord forgive us.  ……..

People living on earth and angels living through heavens.   And we must say a`udhu billahi mina ’sh-shaytaani ’r-rajeem - we are running from Shaytaan and its tricks and traps because he is teaching mankind worst teachings. He is, it is, urging people to be not good ones, teaching people to be always bad ones.  Satan is calling people and cheating them saying "I am making you excellent ones."   And Shaytaan is the biggest liar in creation and the one who has most cheated creatures.

Satan makes everything opposite, saying good things are bad things and saying bad manners are excellent ones.

The Lord of heavens likes His servants to be in excellent manners. Shaytaan making it to be worst ones. Worst manners. Therefore good ones are always quarrelling with bad ones; and everywhere bad ones are asking for those to be in power who are representatives or agents of Shaytaan.   The Agents of Shaytaan are asking to destroy the agents of Heavens, the agents of the Seal of Prophets’ .   Therefore from beginning up to end quarrelling between good ones and bad ones is continuously going on.

Now we are living in a time that gives a perfect proof of what we are saying because now people living on earth are getting to be to be two kinds of people:  one kind are asking to be good ones, to follow heavenly orders.  Second party from mankind are running to Shaytaan and representing Shaytaan and asking to harm people, to harm good people. Therefore the quarrelling between mankind is continuous, up to end. People now in the 21st century are like people before the 21st century, fighting and quarrelling and killing and destroying everything for each other.  

So many States are trying to take over good people. They are asking to take away good ones and raise satanic rules and put the flags of heavens down.   Shaytaan is trying to do just that.  He is asking that “the whole world must be my followers;  and my way is the most suitable for them."    “Why?”   “Because I am training my followers to fight - to fight against good ones. And I am saying my followers, 'O people! You are best ones and you must attack people who are saying "we are believers in heavens, believers in messengers.”  They are really bad ones, O my followers, rush on them, attack on them! Kill them! Don't give them any chance to be up.”   Shaytaan  is saying  “Try, O my followers that they should be down and you are going to be up high."

Therefore nations now are fighting between and within themselves.  Particularly beginners for fighting are followers of Shaytaan;  and followers of Shaytaan, there is no mercy with them.   They are only asking to kill, to burn, to destroy everything., to change this world instead to be a Paradise to be hells. Beware O people!

Try to be good ones. Good ones are those who are followers of the Seal of Prophets,  he who was saying "Keep the servants of your Lord; keep creatures of your Lord.    Be harmless for everything even for a smallest virus."

Now there is a dangerous illness, they are saying, but it is N1H1.    They are saying ‘this is going to destroy everything on earth and you must fight it. They are not turning their faces to the Divine Presence saying "O our Lord! You are our Creator, and you are creating that virus and sending to Your creatures. Please, O our Lord, protect us.   We are trying to do our best for You, O our Lord.   Please protect us.”

And as we are saying, these battles, wars,  are continuously going on from beginning of mankind's life on earth and (are not) going to be ended till this dunya finishing.

Beware of Shaytaan (a`udhubillahi min ash-shaytaan)

They are writing “Beware of the dog.”  Why you are quarrelling with priests and bishops?  Why are you not writing on the walls of churches and big abbeys, (cathedrals), - "Beware of Shaytaan"?   And (yet) you are writing "beware of the dog!"

That is our problem, -  that people like to follow Satanic ways.  To most people Satanic orders are so lovely.  What Shaytaan is teaching them, they are saying "lovely."    But as to heavenly orders, they are saying  “disliked things" because  these touch their egos’ ability.   Heavenly orders never leave our egos to do everything as they like.  No.   We have been ordered to keep right way, not to harm anyone.

If you cause harm then someone harming you also.   All religions are saying, "O people! Be harmless."     Shaytaan is saying, "No. Harm people, because I am so happy if you are harming each other, I am so happy. Make me happy; don't make your Creator to be happy with you.”   Any harming coming to people, Shaytaan saying, "O we are so happy that so many people just killed, and their homes destroyed and their jungles burned and their farms just dried and their children killed.

On the other hand every prophet was  saying,   - Innama bu`ithu li utimmu makaarim al-akhlaaq - 'I have been sent to teach people most high characteristics, edeb.'  Why was the Prophet saying this?  Because asta`eenu billah, w’Allahu yad`u ila daar as-salaam - Because we have been invited to the Divine Presence.   Allah Almighty is inviting His servants ,and it is no good harmful people to come in.

Allah Almighty, created everything, and ordering to them, everyone, if they are not harming you, don't harm them.  ……

O people, try to be good ones. Don’t follow Shaytaan, or you will be bad ones. And bad ones, their destination is towards fires and hells;  and may Allah forgive us for the honour of the most beloved servant.  ……

Please give us from Your endless Mercy Oceans and Clean us to be good servants to You and to be good ones for Your creatures, O Allah.  …..

 haayyy,  haayyy, Huuuuu, Huuuuuu, Huuuuuu

 Edited  from Aug 03, 2009.  The whole talk may be read on /official media  library Naqshbandi ...