Bismillah irahman irahim
Your special Satan
For each person there is one special satan who stays with you for your entire life and is under the command of the Big Satan. He is the teacher of your nafs[1]. Just as you have Angels with you so this satan is with you, whispering in your heart. When there is no remembering Allah, he is speaking up, especially when you are alone and not doing anything. He says “What are you doing sitting here doing nothing? You must get up and go to a café.”
Little by little he takes you by the hand If you start by listening, you have lost. The Prophet says that if you can win at the first moment it is best. If you surrender to him he takes you to the slaughter-house to cut off the head of your faith..
For example: at night Allah is waking everyone for a holy time[2]; but Satan is coming, saying, “Go back to sleep. There are many hours left till fajr.[3]” Every time we want to do goodness he is ready for us. “For what make wudu[4]? It is too cold now.”
He makes it easy for us. Every time you are fighting him you are improving, reaching ranks in the Divine Presence ……. Therefore satan is the biggest favour to mankind. Anyone not knowing the wisdom behind Satan can never save himself from satan’s hegemony.