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Bismallah irahman irahim


People of advanced thinking


Our Grandsheikh[1] says that people in this life are standing on a plain between two sides.  On the one hand stand Allah and His Prophets.  On the other Satan and his soldiers.  If listening to Allah people are on the way of faith.   If listening to Satan they are losing faith. 

A person believing in and confirming Allah’s invitation is with Allah but Satan says “Why  are you going after unseen things like ‘heaven’  and the ‘world hereafter’?  Come to me.  All  pleasures are with us – they are ready here and now – you may see and feel.”  The ego sometimes believes this and leaves Allah.  If the angel of Death  comes at that time one may die outside of islam – very dangerous.

Our Grandsheikh says we must be very careful who we are listening to.  Our enemy has so many tricks.  He may come to you posing as an advisor like he did to Adam and Eve, telling them that if they ate from that tree they would live for ever in paradise..  They thought,  “He swore by God and advised us.  Maybe he is telling the truth.”

 He had come disguised and they could not see his fangs.  He is a liar and may come in so many shapes.  He says ‘You must look for this world’s pleasures. You are still young – there is time to repent.’  Don’t believe him or you will fall into hell.   If he cannot divert you from the way of faith he says ‘You are young. No need to worry about small sins.’

 Now is a time when denial is in fashion.  Satan is dividing  people into two camps.  Believers are old-fashioned.  The new fashion is to deny spiritual realities and to look at oneself as an ‘advanced’ person.  ……

Once seven philosophers came to Sayyidina ‘Ali[2] denying everything from the Creator up to the Hereafter, the Day of Judgement and Heaven and Hell.    They said "oh 'Ali we are looking at you and all believers as fools because you believe in Paradise and Hell; and you make rules and suffer by having to keep so many  prohibitions.   We are enjoying this life in every possible way, no forbidden things for us. We are clever and think you are fools.   ‘Ali  said "I just want to ask you one question.  Do you agree that one day you and I will be in the same position?”  (ie dead)  The philosopher, being a clever man answered  ‘Yes”.

 Then said ‘Ali   “If on the day of our death we are all equal there is no gain for you and no loss for us, but if it is as we say and there is a day of judgement, heaven and hell then we are happy and you are in a state of loss.” …..

When Satan comes to you denying belief tell him “What if we find there is something after this life?”  Are we carrying a mountain by believing in Allah, His prophets and His holy books?   We believe without seeing but there may come a day when we can see.  Following Allah’s way and our Prophet we may see Heaven and Hell in this life.   ….

[1] This refers to Sheikh Abdullah daghistani, the teacher of Shaykh Nazim.

[2] Cousin to the Prophet Muhammad and an early Caliph of Islam.